Thursday, August 14, 2008

29 weeks

Today was my lovely gestational diabetes check. I was so nervous that my blood pressure was actually up. Not insanely high, but about ten points higher than normal. Enough to get a triple check of my blood pressure.

The glucola wasn't as bad as I had been expecting. Yeah, it was sickeningly sweet, but it was still tolerable for the small amount I had to drink.

As far as my boy, he is wonderful! All measurements are dead on, my weight is perfect, his heart rate is good and he is super active.

Today I also picked up all the paperwork to fill out for his future pediatrician. After talking to a mom who shares my parenting beliefs/style and getting the recommendation for this one particular doctor, I think I am comfortable with using him. Incidentally, he used to attend our church and is the PCP for several friends of mine. He isn't technically a pediatrician, but a family doctor and is very supportive of the way I want to raise my baby.

In two more weeks I am seeing the doctor and giving him the birth plan. Now, just to get it finalized...


Anonymous said... just gave me a memory flash...clear as day, I remember the moment I did the glucose test (I thought the same as you....not good, but not as bad as I'd feared)

I remember feeling fabulous about having a healthy baby.


Anonymous said... just gave me a memory flash...clear as day, I remember the moment I did the glucose test (I thought the same as you....not good, but not as bad as I'd feared)

I remember feeling fabulous about having a healthy baby.
